The New Hampshire Motor Speedway Fan Council is a group of ultra-loyal fans who provide feedback and new ideas that will help us continually improve our product and become better at our game. Our goal as a world class sports and entertainment facility is to become better with direct honest feedback that will help us deliver the best fan experience in New England.
WHAT is the purpose of the NHMS Fan Council?
The purpose of the New Hampshire Motor Speedway Fan Council is to create a consistent open line of communication between the fans and the New Hampshire Motor Speedway management team to discuss various subjects and make recommendations that will aid in the improvement of the overall fan experience. New Hampshire Motor Speedway strives to continuously improve all aspects of our business, starting with the ticket purchase to the attendance of an event, and plan to use the direct feedback and ideas from the Fan Council to continue to exceed expectations of both our most loyal fans and new fans. The Fan Council is in no way intended to replace the direct communication between all fans and New Hampshire Motor Speedway staff; it's truly designed to improve the fan experience.
WHO can participate on the New Hampshire Motor Speedway Fan Council?
New Hampshire Motor Speedway is looking for 15-20 individuals who have a passion for our track and the experience it provides the fans. We are looking for diverse group of fans that consist of season ticket holders, individual ticket purchasers, suite holders, campers and new fans who will commit to being active in providing feedback with New Hampshire Motor Speedway management for one race season.
WHEN and WHERE does the New Hampshire Motor Speedway Fan Council meet?
On-site meetings will take place during July's NASCAR Cup Series race weekend at New Hampshire Motor Speedway.
Five mandatory questionnaires will be sent via email throughout the year to help prepare New Hampshire Motor Speedway management to make fan-friendly changes or recap your experience at our race weekends.
Fan Council members will serve a two-year term. Once the term expires, new members will be chosen.
HOW can I apply for the New Hampshire Motor Speedway Fan Council?
The application period for the Fan Council takes place in late fall. Stay tuned for application information.